Guns List

Roger Bell_West

Table of Contents

1 Guns/Pistol

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
9 13mm Chunyokai 3d+2 pi++ 2 200/2,300 2.7/0.9 3 12+1(3) 10 -2 3 ¥140,000 3
10 FN Jammer 3d(3) pi- 3 500/2,100 3/0.5 20 40(3) 9 -2 2 Fr8,000 1 [1]
10 Avro PR IL V 3d pi 1 100/1,200 1/0.2 3! 20+1(3) 6 -1 2 Fr10,000 1 [1]
10 Herod IV 4d+2 pi+ 3 270/3,000 2/1.25 3 50+1(3) 10 -2 3 Fr3,000 3
10 GWI GodMeeter 6d+2 pi++ 2 470/5,200 3/1 3 30+1(3) 11 -3 4 Fr5,000 3 [2]
10 MM2 Taser 1d-3 pi- 0 20 1/1 1 20(3) 8 -2 2 Fr15,000 3
follow-up HT(0.5) aff
  1. Implanted weapon.
  2. Normally loaded with 15mm APHEX rounds: 6d+2(2) pi, follow-up 1d-1 cr ex [1d-1]

2 Guns (SMG)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
9 Oribi 3d pi 4 350/2,500 4.5/4 40 200(5) 9† -4 2 ¥120,000 2
9 SC Kyogo 144 3d pi+ 4 200/2,100 3/1 10 15+1(3) 9† -3 3 ¥70,000 2

3 Guns (Rifle)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
9 SC Kyogo T11 6d pi 4 700/4,000 7/1.5 15 40+1(3) 9† -4 2 ¥280,000 2
10 MAS Fury 10d+2 pi+ 4 1,400/4,200 8/1.6 10 20(3) 10† -4 3 Fr8,000 2
10 GWI Hellfire 12d pi+ 4 2,600/11,600 12/2 10 25(3) 10† -4 3 Fr10,000 2 [1]
  1. Normally loaded with 10mm APHEX rounds: 12d(2) pi, follow-up 1d-3 cr ex [1d-2].

4 Guns (Shotgun)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
10 MAS Storm Gun (slug) 4d+4 pi++ 3 100/500 10/1.5 10 12 11† -5 4 Fr6,000 2 [1]
alternate (shot) 1d+1 pi 50/250 10×9 1
  1. Slugs are rarely used.

5 Guns (Grenade Launcher)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
9 MAS Grenade Launcher 2d pi++ 2 150/900 3/2 3 5(5) 10 -3 1 Fr10,000 1 [1]
  1. Uses 40mm grenades; fragmentation (8d cr ex [2d]) and flash-bang (HT-5 aff (10 yards), Protected Hearing or Vision each give +5, smoke in area of effect) are normal loads.

6 Guns (Light Machine Gun)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
9 Impala Chain Gun 9d pi+ 5 1,300/5,800 20/20 30 500 16B† -5 3 ¥1,000,000 1

7 Beam Weapons (Pistol)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
10 GWI GodLight 2d(2) burn 3 100/300 0.35/B 10 50(3) 3 -1 1 Fr12,000 3
10 MM4 Stun Gun HT-3(5) aff 3 30/100 1.8/C 1 25(3) 4 -2 1 Fr10,000 4

8 Beam Weapons (Rifle)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
10 GWI GodBeam 6d(2) burn 12 700/2,100 8/Dp 10 50(5) 7† -4 1 Fr20,000 2

9 Gunner (Beams)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
10 GWI GodsFire 20d(2) burn ex 12 1,000/3,000 40/Ep 3 25(5) 17B -8 2 Fr30,000 1
10 GWI Devastator 6d×5(2) burn ex 12 1,500/4,500 200/5Ep 10 25(5) 30M -9 2 Fr50,000 1

10 Liquid Projector (Sprayer)

TL Weapons Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
10 MAS Gas Gun spec. (2 yard) 2 30 1.8/2 1 12(3) 7 -2 1 Fr10,000 4 [1]
linked 1d-3 cr dkb
  1. Vortex projector. Usually used with Riot (HT-4 aff or be nauseated, miss by 5 and be retching) or Sleep (HT-6 or unconsciousness) gas.