Subsubsection: Saturday 21 June 1930 Up Subsection: 4 January 2017 (a burglary and a deduction) Subsubsection: Monday, 23 June 1930 

Sunday, 22 June 1930

Why, yes, publicity stills from Der Golem do seem to look rather like the figure Lin Tan saw… and Dr Caligari features a knife-wielding murderer…
Tracking down his customers seems like a good idea, but there’s no easy way to find them.
After getting some sleep, the team considers what might be worth doing next – apart from telling Miss Allen what’s going on which is essential. The cause might be at the distributor, but it seems unlikely if these are the only incidents; another option is that it’s Wigson himself, or someone in his film-viewing group. And why was this done? Deliberately to kill Wigson, or as a side effect of something else? And why are the police being so close-mouthed about it? Someone important in his circle?
The group gets in touch with Miss Allen to request a meeting, which will happen on Monday. Wigson’s funeral will happen on Tuesday.
 Subsubsection: Saturday 21 June 1930 Up Subsection: 4 January 2017 (a burglary and a deduction) Subsubsection: Monday, 23 June 1930